
Digital tools for your transformation

Digital tools for your Transformation

Digital Shop Floor Management

As Premium Delivery Partner, we realize the successful introduction of digital shop Floor Management to our customers based on Valuestreamer®.



Efficiency in cooperation through transparency and consistency: ValuesTeamer® is a comprehensive and agile digital shopFloor management solution that enables global cooperation and leadership to distance in global value-added networks.

As Premium Delivery partner of ValuesTeamer® we implement digital shopFloor Management in your company.

4. live

Analogue shop floor management has proven itself for many years for years. But especially across locations, many kilometers and e-mails must be covered.

With digital SFM we put the traffic on the data highway and have a current picture of the situation and can act faster and more precisely.


3. Agile

Valuestreamer® is the ideal tool for Leadership 4.0 and agile cooperation across the enterprise with integrated Lean principles.

Valuestreamer® enables real collaboration, problem solving & continuous improvement process and controlled management with key performance indicators.

Valuestreamer® enables haptic experience for real application in production environment.

2. CleAR

  • Build according to C-T-C logic (clarity, transparency, consequence)
  • Creation of additional views for focused communication
  • SQCDP widget with filter function
  • Creation of team based individual KPIs based on existing templates
  • Automatic KPI import via the standard interface (REST API) from e.g. ERP and MES
  • Creation of individual team lists, e.g. Dates, complaints, employee occupancy or stocks, etc.

3. Visual

  • Freely configurable process views
  • Linking measures in deviation management
  • Linking with sub-processes
  • Integrated workflow management for sub task & sub process
  • Agile fine planning / control of tasks on the task boards of the teams
  • Single Point of Task: All tasks from the processes / projects land in the home team of the user
  • Total resource view

2. All-in-1

ValuesTeamer® is an all-in-one solution for digital shop Floor Management.

TeamThink is Premium Delivery partner of Valuestreamer. We realize the successful introduction of digital shop Floor Management with our customers based on Valuestreamer®.

2. All-in-1

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