ValueStreamer – Digital Shopfloor Management

What is digital store floor management and how can ValueStreamer software help you to successfully establish digital store floor in your company?

These two important questions are answered in this article.


Core concept: Shopfloor Management

Shopfloor management is a key concept in lean management. Shopfloor management enables optimal collaboration in the value stream, even outside of production in the indirect areas.

The core objective of lean management is to realize cost savings by reducing waste in the company’s core value streams while at the same time establishing process standards. The ideal is the “one-piece-flow” process – a process in which a product is moved smoothly through a production process.

What cannot be standardized should be optimally synchronized or coordinated.

However, not every process can be standardized. There are always sub-processes that should therefore be optimally synchronized, as complete standardization is not possible. This is where store floor management comes into play.

What is Shopfloor Management?

Shopfloor management comprises two core concepts. On the one hand, the visualization of information on team or process boards and, on the other hand, the implementation of daily short-cycle rule communications of approx. 15 minutes.

The rule communications that take place are carried out in a networked manner as part of a communication cascade and are based on each other.

SFM focuses on operational control and deviation management of expected standards on the “gemba” – the place where tasks are performed.

Effective Shopfloor Management means on the one hand the constant work in the system by continuous improvement of processes (CIP), improvement of structures and methods in the organization using Visual Management, rule communication, process confirmation, structured problem solving based on data & KPI’s.

Effective Shopfloor Management on the other hand means the constant work on the system by establishing “Go&See”, active coaching, development of leadership attitude and work on the mind set and leadership culture.


Digital Shopfloor Management

The increasing virtual collaboration in companies throughout the supply chain across different locations and countries now requires a digital solution for store floor management that in the old world was practiced analogously via physical team boards and stand-ups.

As a result, many companies are now looking for a digital solution for store floor management to virtually map their processes and communication cascade.

With digital Shopfloor Management, we move the communication cascade to the information superhighway and constantly have an up-to-date picture of the situation and can act more precisely and faster.

Digital Shopfloor Management with ValueStreamer

ValueStreamer Dashboard

ValueStreamer is a premium digital store floor management (dSFM) software solution. ValueStreamer software is a fantastic solution based entirely on the Shopfloor Management methodology.

The software solution is developed by Dr Andreas Romberg and his team. The ValueStreamer GmbH team has succeeded in bringing a unique and high quality product to the market.

All processes in the company can be mapped

The special feature of the ValueStreamer solution is that it is possible to map all processes in the company with one solution. Alternative product providers are usually able to map mainly the production process. With ValueStreamer, customers have the possibility to map all processes in the company and to connect them globally via a cascade of rule communication.

Dashboard with relevant KPI´s

A dashboard provides decision makers with all necessary information at a glance. The relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) are provided from the system in coordination with the customer.


Process Boards in Project & Multiproject management

All projects of the company can be visualized on clear process boards and controlled together. The clear color codes immediately enable the control of deviations through measures.


Automatic linking of sub-processes from a stored workflow (templates)

Standardized sub-processes can be created in templates, which in turn create task packages for each sub-process in the project.


Kanban-Boards for Teams

The work packages of the team members are clearly visualized on clear Kanban boards. The Kanban boards allow structuring of the work packages according to the essential Lean principles: Quality in Process, Flow, Tact and Pull.

Once a week, the team plans the collaborative work over the next 10 weeks so that changes in the environment can be reacted to in good time.


Capacity & Work lead in the Team

The capacity per employee becomes visible and the workload in the team can be planned according to the 80% rule. For many companies, this is the first time that clean resource planning is possible, with all its advantages in terms of delivery reliability, lead time reduction and cost savings.


Based on a sound Methodology

The important thing is: Shopfloor Management is the methodology. A digital Shopfloor Management software solution is a tool that supports the SFM methodology. The ValueStreamer solution is deeply rooted in the Shopfloor Management methodology. The essential elements of the methodology are optimally implemented:

  • Process confirmation
  • Visualization/Dahsboards
  • Daily communication
  • Prioritization according to Pareto principle
  • Structured problem solving, PDCA process, incl Ishikawa diagram, A 3 report
  • Go & See tasks

Optimal mapping of the Performance U in the dSFM

Especially the concept of Performance U developed by Dr. Andreas Romberg is optimally mapped with the ValueStreamer. Especially the link between dSFM in the line and dSFM in the project world is mapped particularly well in the ValueStreamer.


Insbesondere das von Dr. Andreas Romberg entwickelte Konzept der Performance U wird mit dem ValueStreamer optimal abgebildet. Insbesondere die Verbindung zwischen dSFM in der Linie und dSFM in der Projektwelt wird im ValueStreamer besonders gut abgebildet.

  • Clear multi-project management
  • Clear dashboards and performance measurement
  • Clear rolling planning for network collaboration
  • Structured deviation management and problem solving
Multi Project

Wide range of applications & open system

Key features of the ValueStreamer software are:

  • Unlimited Boards
  • Global Networked Collaboration
  • Azure Platform
  • Open to all ERP systems through REST API interface
  • Available on all devices
  • High performance
  • Reduced travel times
  • Commitment in management through TOP 3, GO&SEE process confirmation, CIP management, PDCA
  • Automatic aggregation of KPI’s
  • Evaluation of failures in Pareto analysis
  • Structured problem solving with Ishikawa diagram and A3 report
  • Smooth collaboration across all functions and levels
  • Taks management of strategic tasks with OKR
  • SQCDP logic
  • Transparent escalations across the entire cascade
  • Optimal for Agile Collaboration
  • Intuitive usage
  • Configuration of standard software instead of customizing
  • Accessible everywhere
  • LED capable for touch screens

Premium Delivery Partner

We are proud to have been selected as Premium Delivery Partner for ValueStreamer.

We support our customers in the implementation of this software as a service solution (SaaS) by introducing the methodology, setting up the team and process boards and by accompanying the teams in the context of dSFM coaching.

With ValueStreamer we are able to offer a great tool to implement a great methodology.

Realize significant cost savings in project management and operational excellence

Do you want to realize up to 40% more throughput in your project business and achieve significant cost savings by reducing project lead times?

We support you in the transformation to optimal operational excellence with ValueStreamer and digital store floor management!


Contact us now!

We have more than 20 years of experience and deliver high quality consulting for your Agile, Lean or Digital Transformation.

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